Partners and Sponsors

The Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (UMR5026) is a Joint Research Unit of the CNRS, of the University of Bordeaux and Bordeaux INP. The ICMCB has strong expertise in solid state chemistry, materials science and chemical processing. It uses this know-how for the development of new materials and new concepts for materials synthesis, shaping and recycling, covering the application fields energy, environment, health, electronics and photonics. Recently, the ICMCB has also become active in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.
Université de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux welcomes 56,000 students and nearly 6,000 staff members. It offers 250 Master programs, 150 Bachelor (incl. vocational) programs and 55 national diplomas in health : - Science and Technology - Law, Political Science, Economics, Management - Life and Health Sciences - Social and Human Sciences A large range of qualifications are possible, including of course a national diploma in oenology, thanks to our expertise within the domain of Vine and Wine Sciences.
Bordeaux INP Bordeaux INP
Created in 2009, Bordeaux INP groups together 6 internal schools and 3 partner schools. These 9 public engineering graduate schools, members of the Bordeaux INP Nouvelle-Aquitaine Group, count 3,400 students and offer 20 engineering specialisations including 5 through apprenticeship programmes.
Chirality is a property of asymmetry that translates into an object not being superimposed on its image in a mirror. The notion of symmetry breaking, inherent in the organisation of matter, the formation of new structural edifices and, more fundamentally, weak interactions, are omnipresent. From elementary particle physics to molecules in the living world and functional organisms, to force vortex-inducing weather phenomena, chirality often plays a crucial role. It is also a notion of geometry that is exploited in areas of design and man-made constructions for its functionality and uniqueness.
CHIRAFUN est un groupement de recherche du CNRS qui rassemble 27 équipes de recherche autour des enjeux associés à la chiralité.
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The largest region in France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a rich, diversified and attractive region. The Regional Council carries important responsibilities in the daily life of citizens. It deploys them through 4 major axes: - the economy and employment (support for innovation, agriculture, digital, industry, employment, tourism...), - youth (policies for apprenticeship, training of young people, secondary schools, school transport...), - spatial planning (territorial policy, responsibility for transport, support for health, sport and culture...), - the energy and ecological transition (preservation of biodiversity, renewable energy, zero waste...).
JASCO France JASCO France
JASCO est un fabricant de matériel de laboratoire de chromatographie et spectroscopie. HPLC, Fast LC, UHPLC, Chromatographie CO2 supercritique SFC/SFE FT-IR, UV-Visible/Proche IR, Fluorimètre, Polarimètre, Spectropolarimètre (CD), CPL, VCD-IR, Raman
Symeres Symeres
Symeres offers synthetic and analytical services, mainly in the field of organic and medicinal chemistry
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